His is an excellent overview with a comparison chart plus individual product descriptions.
Be sure to check out the comments and related articles at the bottom for additional information.
Mobile blog concentrating on mobile technologies for learning
The following are the top posts from featured sources based on social signals
The following are the top other items based on social signals.
While useful, I was disappointed that most of the examples were from the early and mid-2000’s.
Having followed and participated in mobile learning since 1996, I see very clear stages and believe that we should now be looking forward at the potential of this very powerful opportunity.
We began with standalone devices (PDA) that could be connected to a single computer for a single person. Once these devices were combined with a cell phone, communication opened up. With today’s capabilities to seamlessly move from cellular to Wi-Fi, collaboration opens many more doors. Location-based context and tagging, sensors and feedback, recognition and specialized apps now open up our imaginations and provide powerful learning opportunities not even available on a desktop.
There are three new books just published that appear to be current and looking ahead. I have just started reviewing them, but wanted to share in case you are looking to add to your reading lists on mobile learning:
What have you found? What are you reading about mobile learning? Please share in the comments.